Fahrenheit 11/9

Politics/Society, United States 2018

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Michael Moore's latest provocative take on the Trump era and the questions, "How the f**k did this happen, and how the f**k do we get out?" Michael Moore had foreseen it in his July 2016 essay, 5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win. His assessment contradicted pollsters' predictions, and Moore was dismissed as a bullshit prophet of doom. But what was thought impossible would come true when Trump's election victory was confirmed in the early morning hours of Nov. 9, 2016. Moore now satirically shows the legacy of 11/9 and poses the question of what may lie ahead. For Trump is a master of madness with his inflammatory tweets, the regular firings on his staff, and the more than obvious lies. As always, one doesn't know exactly what to expect from Moore. But let's agree that Fahrenheit 11/9 is an appeal to the younger generation in the hope that they will please pay for what the generation before them screwed up.
129 min
FSK 12
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